I have been blogging for a year now and I love it! I love to write, to take the pictures, search my heart for ideas! For me, on many days it is the one thing I do that helps me get through the day....... that is the writing of the post. Then the disappointment sets in, I come in later to see the comments on what I have written that day, only to find the couple faithful
bloggers posting their sweet comments. I look at other ladies blogs and see 20, 30, 40 and even more comments and wonder how does this happen.
I also am faithful to comment on others blogs, going from blog to blog, not knowing half of them.
Is my computer broke?
Is my blog broke?
Is this just not God's Will for my life right now?
How do you know when enough is enough and quit?
Maybe I should concentrate on something else for the time being.....
Maybe God needs me somewhere else........
And faithful husband, once again, I ask you to please not leave a comment.....
Hi Yvette, thank you so much for your invitation to show our collections--would you believe I do not collect anything? Just the stuff for the shows--to make stuff out of to sell. I used to collect McCoy but sold it all off. If you enjoy doing your blog, it shouldn't matter about the comments! Do what you love! Nancy
I agree with Nancy...it shouldn't matter how many comments you get, if you love blogging then do it for you not for everyone who leaves a comment. I don't always get comments on my blog and have felt the same way as you. Please don't let this stop you from blogging.
Peace, Love and Blessings~
Hi Yvette, I too have to agree with both Nancy and Lisa, blog because you want to blog, not for the comments :) I have been visiting your blog for only about a month now but I don't always get here all the time and you are on my follow list. I can't possibly comment on every post everyone makes or I would be on the computer all day long LOL, so don't be disheartened it has nothing to do with you personally, sometimes just people finding the time or finding your blog out there :)
Do what is right for you :)
Hi sweetie, you know there are times I think the same thing. I can't believe how excited I get to see numbers beside "comments", and how discouraging it is to not see any. But I have also decided that if I have encouraged just one person, or have said something to cause one person to to begin to search their hearts that is enough. To the question if God wants you to use your time in other avenues, only you can answer that, but unless you hear him saying no, and you have a desire to continue, I would encourage you to. I for one would miss you and your blog. Even if I do not comment on each post, I do read them, and feel a part of your life.
Blessings dear one!
I think it depends on what you and others get from the blog. I have a hit counter on my blog that tells me at a glance about how many people have visited me, and that is usually dozens a day, but many times there is only 2 or 3 (as you said) faithful followers who leave comments. BUT! I find my blog is a great outlet for me these days. It gets my mind off of bigger problems, or lets me post about those problems, and then am totally blessed by the responses to those posts. It is also a creative outlet for me, and on a day when I can't find time to make something crafty, I can leave a post with a recipe or a few pretty pictures and it is satisfying for me. Bottom line, if you enjoy it, do it for you, but if someone else (like me) is blessed by it, all the better!
Please keep up your blog. I have found that during the week, I might get 5 comments. On pink sat. I will get between 20-40. Just keep going. It will pick up.
Yvette....So sorry your feeling this way!I love to visit your blog.I know how you feel but it should be something you truly enjoy doing and having the coments should be just an extra surprise. That's the way I think of it. I do hope I at least get one comment and I know that someone enjoys what I have to say but if I don't have many comments then Oh well!Blog because you enjoy it.I think the comments will eventually come!
Hugs to you~
Hi Sweet Yvette,
I love your blog! I started my blog (on Valentine's Day) for basically 2 reasons: 1). I wanted to branch out and 'meet' more wonderful women and 2). to give a tiny bit of positive, uplifting, hopefully humorous but real thoughts, however fleeting they may be...lol!
I am always just delighted someone visited my blog, to tell you the truth. Even tho they may not leave a comment, it doesn't mean you haven't touched them in a positive way, I truly believe that.
Please don't stop your blogging, if you enjoy it for YOU! That is what counts, doing what you love...
Hugs always,
Pleeeeze don't give up!!! I can not tell you what a blessing your blog has given me over the last months. I look forward to setting down and reading your precious thoughts. WE are out there, just sometimes lazy about telling how much you are appreciated. Hang in there I just added you to my favorites! Sharon
P.S. Please read your own words on the left side about why you blog. God blesses others through your words HE gives you.Enough said: Except KEEP on keepin' on
Well to me it's time to stop blogging when you no longer want to do it. If you are blogging only for comments then you need to decide if it's worth it to keep blogging with only a few comments coming in. But if you are blogging for you then as long as you still find pleasure in writting I think you should continue on.
Yes there are some blogs out there that get tons of comments but most don't.
Do you have a counter to see how many people visit your blog every day? If not, you should get one. I bet there are way more people who come here then you know. Most people just don't have the time to leave comments all the time. I know I don't. But I read your blog all the time!
Dear sweet Yvette....comments are wonderful, true, BUT.....don't worry with the comments ~ share what's on your heart, share what you're creating and what you love, your thoughts and dreams....it is an online journal of sorts and it's so good to have this place to share all of those things ~ hugs and love sweet friend, xxoo, Dawn
I love you and I love your blog!
Don't get discouraged. Sometimes people like me don't have much to say, but really enjoy what you have to contribute to our lives.
It mean a lot to be able to see what you are up to! I enjoy it so very much! :)
Yvette I know what you mean and ask myself these questions often...I would say for me I have to continually ask God if I am pleasing him, doing what I need to and willing to change whatever for Him. Even though it is fun and rewarding at times (blogging) is it the best use of my time? Let's continue to search this together!
But, but ,but, wait! I just started reading your blog,,,you can't quit now!! Delete that thought! I know not everyone who reads,,leaves comments. I would be on this machine all day to do leave all the comments I'd like....sometimes I am ....sigh...I see so many blogs that are a blessing and helps me to remember what is important...and this one is just that,,a blessing. Life is a rollercoaster, I bet your on the way uphill on the ride after reading the comments to this post. We are here with you,,,and I will be back..but now I must start the breakfast, and comb my hair,,real life is so interrupive,,haha,,,Be back Soon!
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