During the nineteenth century the "tussie-mussie" reached great popularity as a means for lovers to convey secret messages of sentiment and affection in a proper Victorian society. During this time it was considered more suitable for young women to wear flowers moreso than jewelry. Proper Victorian ladies would up at fashionable social gatherings carrying their "tussie-mussies" and could have been questioned on the fashion of their bouquet.
The word "tuzzy" refers to the Old English word which means a "knot of flowers". Muzzy refers to the damp moss wrapped around the stems to keep them moist.
Consider taking the time this summer with your child and making a "tussie mussie" to give to a grandmother, aunt or neighbor! This treat will make them VERY HAPPY!!!

Oh my gosh, those are great!!!
Yvette!!! I need one of those!!! especially the one with the little pastel buttons hanging from it!! The Grandaughters would go nuts if I filled it with candy and such!!! I might have to just make on of those little cuties!! Thanks for sharing... xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Thanks Yevette!, I'll check our Hob Lob and Joanne Fab. Your a doll! I just love those, xoxo~Kathy...
Thanks for explaining that!!..I never knew the history of a tussie mussie. I always thought it was Australian slang or something!
Oh I love these, and yours are beautiful!!!!!
They are just darling!
I love them too and those are adorable. :)
Those are beautiful. Last year I made some with my granddaughter and she gave them to her mom for Christmas. Mom was impressed!!
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