Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Blogging This..... Part I

Yes, I have to blog about my adventure yesterday with the Southern Belle Georgia Bloggers!
What an opportunity to gather twelve very talented and incredible women. After being together for only a hour, we knew that we were kindred spirits. We had ties that bound us so close together. The love of blogging, art, the love of family, husbands but the tie that was the strongest was our love for the Lord. I felt so blessed as I left Hoschton having met new sisters in Christ that I shared so many interest with. I know this will be the first of many gatherings to come. Thank you ladies for blessing me with a day full of love and laughter!

My treasured little nest necklace from Sharon! Thanks Sharon for taking the time to put this wonderful day together for all of us! Your generosity, time and kindness went far beyond what anyone could have ever imagined for the gathering.

Me and Sharon!

Susan from Art of Mine made this wonderful apron for the event. We were ask to make name tags so that everyone would know each other. Susan's name tag was a walking ad for her wonderful blog. I could believe all the work she put into her beautiful apron. Just a little note.... She had forgot her apron at home (a good way's from our little restaurant) but her loving husband drove all the way back to pick it up for her so that she could share it with us. Love to the fullest! Tomorrow I will share more name tags with you!!! Unbelievable!


The Other Side of Me said...

Dearest Yvette,

It was so wonderful meeting you yesterday. You have such a warm soul. Your caring heart and generosity is rare these days. The gift that you brought was spectacular, the wrappings and all! I am glad that you were able to come and I hope that you are feeling okay today. I look forward to visiting your blog. I hope to see you again soon
Hugs to you,


Anonymous said...

Hi Yvette,
Yesterday was so perfect in every way..I treasure each moment and meeting all of these amazing and very talented women.
I am so happy to have met you, sweet Yvette and hope you are feeling ok today. Even though we had never met physically, it was like we had known each other for a long time.
Looking forward to the next adventure with the Southern Belles!


Sueann said...

Wow! What a wonderful event! And to meet sisters' too...that is so cool!!
Love the necklace...that is so beautiful! And the apron is so cute.
I noticed some of the name tags and they are fabulous!
Looking forward to seeing more!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Yvette, All I can say is WOW! What an amazing day it was yesterday! I cannot stop thinking about it. It was a beautiful day filled with everything wonderful. I feel so preivelege to have been a part of it all. I can't wait until next time! I so enjoyed chatting with you again Yvette. You are such a special person...a blessing! Have a beautiful Lord's day!

The Feathered Nest said...

Dear sweet Yvette,
It was SO wonderful to meet you!!!! I wish I would have talked to you more...being down at the end of the table, I feel like I didn't get to visit much. You are such an angel and I'm so sorry I didn't get to hug you goodbye!! What a wonderful day we had and I do hope that you're feeling so good today...hugs and love, Dawn

Linnie Blooms Shop said...

I'm sooooooo jealous! What an incredibly special, awesome time you must have had! I wish I was there with you:D

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said...

What a darling little nest! I'm signing up for the Georgia group! I just found it by chance while hopping around BlogLand this afternoon. Did y'all save me a bite of something?! Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment! I have become a follower and hope that you will do the same...

SharDon Exclusives said...

Yvette, wasn't Saturday blessed by the Lord! I only have one regret and that is that I did not get to see everyones gift exchange. I had such a lovely day filled with sweet ladies, fond memories and YOU! How much better could a day be? I loved seeing you again and meeting so many wonderful ladies of kindred spirits. Blessings to you this week,

Mary said...

I am so glad you had a wonderful time. I am sad I missed it.

The name tags are something!! Mine would have to been so creative!

Want to see more pictures!!! :)

vwestermeyer said...

Love the name tags!! I stumbled upon your blog thru another and am so glad I did.

The Charm House II

Charm House I

I will turn Blessings into Praise!

I will turn Blessings into Praise!