So, Today I am one sad Mama..... After Whitney's two Bridal Showers (pictures will come soon) last week, my body decided to collect a virus. I have been sick since Monday night, taking meds every four to six hours and today I am still walking around like a Zombie. I have been trying so very hard to get back on my feet, but every time I do, I fall back into bed. I called the doctor he said I will be down for at least a week and that I would be contagious until Sunday.
So, what does all that mean?
I am going to miss Whitney's two Bridal Showers in JD's home state of Alabama. I have been so careful to watch everything I was doing but still my body could not hold up. The good thing, as always my MOM, sister and niece are stepping in. When I turned thirty and started having health problems, my sister stepped in to be like a second MOM to my children. Our children grew up as brothers and sisters, loving and watching over each other. I never would wish my problems on anyone, but if you have health problems, feel blessed to be able to turn to your family. You never know what will happen in life.... One day you are healthy and able to do so much and the next day you are swept right off your feet. I believe that God blessed us with family so that we could love and take care of each other. My sister has exceeded her requirements of a good, devoted sister and aunt. I really don't know how these weddings will happen without the constant, undeserving sacrifices she has made to me. I can never repay her, can never express the gratitude I have to her. I can only thank her and thank the One that created her. I encourage all of you to love each other as much as possible, know that we are not promised tomorrow and take care of those around you. Mama, Sonya and Lauren I love you with all of my heart and I am so proud to have you representing me this weekend at Whit's showers. I ask for you continued prayers that I can get through the graduations, parties and finally the weddings coming up. I feel so blessed to have all of this happening now as I am getting ready to celebrate my 50th birthday. God is so good to me and it is all the time.
Sweet Yvette,
Oh I am so sad that you are missing these special moments, but you are indeed very lucky to have such incredible family nearby.
Please sweet girl, take care of yourself and know I am not far away and would love to help you in any way I can.....
Sorry to read that you're sick.. It's too bad that you have to miss out on the two bridal showers..
That virus bug is really going around. A few people at my husband's workplace are down sick too.. I pray that everyone gets to feeling better real soon!
I'll keep you in my prayers.. Take care...
Sorry you are not feeling well and have to miss the showers. I know they will take plenty of pictures and maybe a video or two so that you can share in it that way.
I am praying for your healing right now.
My Dear new Friend Yvette,
I understand your sorrow in not being able to attend these special family events. You my dear are blessed to have family around you that loves you and cares about you.
I understand because I have physical problems that puts limits on me as well. I try not to let it bother me, but it does. I know that God is more powerful than our physical limitations and that he said he would never give us more than we are able to handle, lately those words have meant so much to me and I think on them when I am so frustrated with something I have trouble doing....I know that God is right there with me even when I can only take baby steps or not even a step at all.
I want you to know that I am praying for you and also to tell you that the box that you put together for the exchange gift that I turned out to be the recipient of, was a miracle in my life, every item spoke to me of Gods great power and love through people and what they do for others even something small has a powerful impact. You inspired me from that first meeting on April 10th. I thank you for you!!!
If you ever want to call me and talk I am always here anytime.
Your friend with love and prayers for you,
Art of Mine
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