I guess I am one of those old fashioned girls or maybe my mother just taught me well, I'm not sure.... but I love to iron!!! Ironing for me is an escape, a time to think! My mind seems to wander and ponder over things! I seem to use my iron as a way to
mesmerize my way to a place that allows my mind to go one on one with God to find HIM! We talk about things I am doing, how my daily life is going and if I am treating others well. I sing praise and worship, and sometimes going back to sing my old childhood favorites that I would sing in the pews with my mother and father. My Sunday School teacher's wife reminded us the other Sunday that we should find JOY in doing all things and that included ironing our clothes. She is so right!! My mother use to say when she ironed her sheets that when she ironed out a wrinkle, she ironed our a problem. Maybe that is some of the problem of our younger generation~ they are not slowing down long enough to find the JOY in doing the small things liking ironing! Slow down ~ Find the JOY in ironing your families clothes. It is a gift for you, for your family and a gift to God!
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