I was driving home today from Athens (Home of the UGA Bulldogs) and once again my mind started drifting away. I was thinking about celebrities of today and basically how few role models we have for our children. I thought about how as adults we put so many people on pedestals, looking at how they live their life and desperately desiring the same life for ourselves. What is it about people on TV, politicians, athletes that we have this thought process that tells us they are smarter, stronger, better looking...... Well, basically that they live this incredible perfect life. After topping one of the hills on Highway 78, all I could see was the puffy clouds in the sky. My first thought..... Wow, I wish Jesus would just swipe us all up right now so that we could be with Him! Then I started thinking about in Heaven I couldn't wait to meet my "celebrities" there.......
To see Jonah and his adventure with the whale......
Talk to David and hear of his mighty adventure against Goliath

And Noah...... What faith to go against everyone and know that God was speaking to him
Two of my favorites, Ruth and Naomi..... The most beautiful story of love and devotion
And my favorite role model..... Paul! We never knew what the "thorn" was, but he lived with it and knew that God had a job for him to do. He suffered, but he suffered for God's Victory!

And Noah...... What faith to go against everyone and know that God was speaking to him

Yes, these are my role models..... the one's that I one day look forward to talking and fellowshipping with! Praise God for His Wonderful Word.... It's there that we find some of our truest heroes and role models.

What a great post! Whenever I am in a great crowd or, as I did this weekend, drive through a congested area such as Washington, D.C., I am in awe. I see people all around, too numerous for me to count and yet He knows every hair on every head. I can't even remember people's names and yet my God knows everything about me and everyone on this Earth and everyone who has ever walked this Earth and whoever will. Our God is an awesome God! Our Bible is filled with awesome heroes and I never really thought about sitting and talking with them all! Thanks!
Girl , love all your pics -- I love Lisa Kaus -- and she is in where women create -- Love looking at her blog ! Kathy - ga ♥
Paul is one of my favorites too because he knew where we live each day. But my biggest hero is our Lord & Savior. He has done soooo much to heal, bless and enrich my life. I can not imagine living without Him...thank you for sharing such a wonderful post...sharon
What an awesome blog post, I have really enjoyed reading this one, I know just what your saying.
I like David, he messed up more times than most, but God said David was a man after my own heart. So when I really mess up I just look at Davids live, pull my self up with Gods help and keep on going...
Be Blessed,
Amen to that, sista!!!!
This was such a beautiful post today Yvette! Thanks for sharing!
What a glorious post Yvette! You have a beautiful way of sharing your thoughts my friend...hope all is well with you...(((hugs)))
You are so right my friend! So many role models today are not deserving. The bible gives us the best ones and those are the ones we should be trying to show our children. Those are the ones who can install in us and our children to the best that God wants us to be. And to focus on Him and not the world. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. I hope you are feeling better.
That was a wonderfully profound post! I want to meet them too!
Smiles and blessings,
What a cute post! I love your thoughts on this & I can't wait to meet them either. :0)
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