Whit graduated Friday from Auburn University with honors. We are so very proud of her and so excited about the next stage of life for her. Whit is the first graduate coming down the aisle with cords.
Whit's family in attendance... Papa, GinGin, Reid, Yvette, Lauren and Sonya!
Whit's graduation was at 10:00 and JD's at 2:00. This is in between the two graduations with both families.

Congratulations to both of them. What a special day. Hugs, Marty
Congratulations to everyone sweet Yvette!!!!! My goodness, I know you must be as proud as a peacock!!! They are such a beautiful couple, aren't they?? Wishing you a great week, hugs and love, Dawn
Congrats to each one of you!! I know how proud you must be! Their whole lives are ahead of them, and they will do wonderfully because of the wonderful foundation that Whit got from you!
War Eagle Baby!!
Lou Cinda :)
Congratulations to Whit and DJ. You too proud Mama!!!
Woo Hoo!!! Way to go Whit and DJ. I know your day was filled with precious memories and lots of love! Now it's on to the wedding!!!
Congratulations -- So many happy
occasions for your family -
Blessings KAthy - ga ♥
Wow! How exciting and congratulations to the two graduates!
Congrats about everything Yvette. What a beautiful couple. My daughter hannah graduated from High School. I know you are so proud as we were. Miss you.
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